Why Is Your Furnace Not Distributing Heat Properly?

If your furnace isn't distributing heat to every room in your home, you might have a problem with your air ducts and zone dampers. In order for heat to reach each room in your house properly, it must travel through a network of air ducts, dampers, and air vents. If one of the components is closed or blocked, warm air can become trapped inside the system. Some of the spaces in your house won't receive any heat at all. Read More 

Here’s Why Homeowners Should Make Professional Drain Maintenance A Priority

As a homeowner, you likely do all you can to keep your place in good shape. So, it's a good idea to consider investing in professional drain maintenance throughout the year. Here are just a few reasons to do so. Save Money on Repairs One important reason to make drain maintenance a priority is to save yourself some money on repairs in the coming years. By taking good care of the drain systems throughout your home, you'll put less wear and tear on your pipes. Read More 

Avoid The Cracks: Problems That May Cause Your Heat Exchanger To Crack

If you have a gas furnace in your home, make sure the heat exchanger doesn't have problems. The heat exchanger ensures that there's enough heated air to flow through your home. If your heat exchanger cracks, you can experience a variety of problems. The worse being carbon monoxide release. Unfortunately, carbon monoxide can cause deadly consequences for you and your family. If your heat exchanger does crack, have it replaced as soon as possible. Read More 

Seasonal Care of Your Air Conditioner

The weather is warming up, and summer is right around the corner. This is the perfect time to make sure your air conditioner is ready to go. You have some things to do before you turn it on, or you can run the risk of damaging it. Here is a checklist that you want to follow to make sure you have properly maintained the air conditioning system and taken all the steps possible to ensure you can cool your home efficiently and effectively. Read More 

Air Conditioning Service And Repair Guide To Help With Spring Maintenance Before Summer Heat

The air conditioning of your home needs to be ready for the summer months, and you do not want to wait until the first heatwave to make sure it is working. Therefore, it is important to start early in the spring with your AC maintenance. This may also be a time to do air conditioning repairs and improvements that you have been putting off. The following 5-step AC service and repair guide for spring will help you get ready for summer: Read More